Shannon @ 5:58:00 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
Today was nothing special, which isn't out of the ordinary. Got up, showered, got dressed, went to JV Jazz band practice, had Biology, Concert Band practice, English, gym, lunch and intermediate foods.
Lunch was awesome as always... I love my lunch on AC days. It is teh rawkz0rz. And of course foods was great too... Why? Because we got to eat food. ^^ We made buffalo chicken garbage bread... It was so good... Mmm-Mmm-Good. Heh.
Anyways... Nothing else interesting really happened today. Besides the fact that my English class time was totally wasted. My teacher had us do peer editing for these essays we had to write and me and my partner were done way before everyone else... So we sat and talked about random stuff for a good 40 minutes. Then she asked us if me and her thought that it really helped. It didn't really, but I told her yes just so that she may do it again and we can waist more time. I'm so evil. I love it.
Anyways... I ain't got much more to say. Later y'all.
About the Girl
In love with love
Blonde Hair
Green eyes
SUNY Oswego
Zoology BS
#1 Destination: Australia
PotC fangirl
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