Shannon @ 10:19:00 AM

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Okay... So I haven't blogged in like a month. Chiiillll.

There has really been nothing to blog about... Eh.

By some miracle I made it into Symphonic Band with Huggies (Hughes) annnnd... I got an award thingy for some paper I wrote in English class... Yeah. I get my picture on the wall with my paper and everything. Crazy.

Annnd... It's vacation as you all know by now. Bleh. It's already Thursday. ::dies::

Still taking donations to go to Italy. >< Heh. Yeah. That'll happen. ::Sigh::

Life is still boring, and it's the same ol' same ol'.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if there's anything out there beyond the little bubble of Niskayuna that we live in. If there's anything out there past the building and the roads.

But there has to be right? There's so much that we haven't even been given the chance to see yet, and we know it's out there because other people are living it.

Or maybe that's just me trying to find logic to be in Italy, or to live life at all.

Heh. Oh well. Back to the same old same old...

0 in love...

Shannon @ 7:20:00 PM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

There once was a fish
Named mish
Who swam around in the ocean
And once she took a potion
And turned into a whale
Who was as slow as a snail
Along came some whalers
Apon that boat was a talor
And poor little Mish
Shrunk back into a fish
Now the story is done
Please don't be alarmed and call 911

That is quite possibly the best thing I've written.


Erin, tell me you remember this. xD

0 in love...