Shannon @ 10:51:00 PM
Monday, January 31, 2005
God *damn* the Atlantic Ocean
God *damn* DBQ essays.
God *damn* the bitter cold.
God *damn* my lack of funds.
Fuck. -.-;
Life sucks sometimes, I s'pose is the point of this post.
And the fact that I should be writing my DBQ. Which, coincidentally, is due tomorrow and I couldn't start over break because I couldn't find the god damn paper.
Everyone knows why I hate the Atlantic Ocean.
And you now know why I hate DBQs.
I'm always complaining that I'm cold. This should be no surprise to any of you.
And my lack of funds basically goes back to the first thing. But there's also something else.
I'm not healthy. I'm overweight and I know that. I need to exercise more, I know that too. What I want is DDR. I'm serious. That is really, really good exercise. If I had it, I would do that *all* the time. I wanted it for Christmas, but the game itself was 50 bucks, apparently, and the dance pad was like another 20 ontop of that. That sucks. I want to buy one. But, I also want plane tickets.
So I'm screwed either way.
Life is so wonderful.
About the Girl
In love with love
Blonde Hair
Green eyes
SUNY Oswego
Zoology BS
#1 Destination: Australia
PotC fangirl
Other People