Shannon @ 11:51:00 AM

Monday, April 11, 2005

What would you like me to put here? Something? Anything?

Well, alright, then. Here's something:

I'm tired. Really, really tired. And I feel sick. I'm confused. And I have a headache.

Things used to be so *freakin'* simple when we were younger. I didn't have to deal with the bullshit that I do now. Meeeehhhh.

As of late I haven't felt like doing anything, and I've decided that I really need a vacation. Really, really bad. I keep telling myself, "Just one more week..." But I don't even know if I can last that long. School has deprived me of sleep, and of a clear state of mind for that matter.

Fuck. I think in Spanish, I dream of polynomials, and every time I go to ask a question, the Holocaust pops into my head. WTF?

Man. I seriously need a break. Meh.
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