Shannon @ 2:10:00 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005

Alright. So. We got back from the SSA office and Schenectady like... and hour and a half ago. That was so much fun. ::insert sarcasm here:: I mean, my good God. I saw the pennicle of human achievement in downtown Schenectady today. Hell yeah I did. -.- Ugh. It is actually depressing. The city, I mean. I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat or something, but my God. It really makes you think about how little some people have.
o.o; Oye vey. Anyways... I got my birth certificate, which was fairly easy to obtain. Now I have documentation that I was actually born. Whoo.
We also went to the SSA office. Oh yes. How much fun was that. We sat for like a half hour until they called our names, filled out some paper work, and now we have to wait two weeks (or so they said) to get the card. Bakka. In those two weeks I must read up on my driving stuff. Yesyes. I have to read that silly little book...
Speaking of books, I also got my summer reading stuff. Oh joy of joys. I got
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers,
When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, and finally
The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to his White Mother by James McBride. I was going to get
My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid, but they didn't have it, and I didn't feel like ordering it, so I picked a different book. Whoo.
And, I got a new headset. Not just headphones, but the whole damn thing. I got the microphone with it, 'cause my Dad was like "Do you want the one with the microphone?" and I was all "Well... It'd make things easier." And he picked it up, and off we were. Whee.
I really ought to be reading right now. But of course, I'm not. Hah. Love how that works. Anyways. I'm off. Love and kisses. xD