Shannon @ 12:31:00 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hmm. Alright. I made an avatar/icon thingy for my bloggeh, 'cause it's awesome. I'm not obsessed with my wallpaper or anything. No. Not at all.

I added a little clock thingy on the side-bar dealy. Enjoy that.

And, as you can see, I have downloaded a set of smiles.

This is because blogger does not have any smiles.

They should, damnit!
Anywho. I did get up at a halfway decent hour this morning. 10:30, to be exact.

Uhm... Hmm. What else, what else. We are going camping again in a few weeks. Funfun, yesyes.
And my cousin is getting on my nerves.

She keeps calling here. Stop it! Good God.
Anywho... I'm off to do something even LESS useful and even LESS productive than blogging. Whoo.