So. Family trip to Walmart? Hell yes. See, my family is AWESOME like that. Yes. We are. You know it. Just admit it already!

Anywho. Bah. So... School clothes shopping wasn't so bad. xD My Mom put all the stuff on layaway until like September 1st when there is "no tax" week or something. So she pays less for it. Sneaky little devil she is. Lessee... I got a pair of brown pinstripe pants, two tanktops, a pair of purple pajama bottoms (though they look like real pants), a pair of actually PJ bottoms (with Tweety on 'em), and a few tshirts. My Mom is going to take me back, apparently, to get more clothes. Yay.

I also got a pair of shoes that I have been dying to get since I saw them a long time ago.

They are round toed wanna-be stilleto heels (thin-like, but not extremely so). I love them so much. I usually don't like shoes with closed toes, but I like these a lot.
I also got these smelly fragrance thingy for my room. Which also makes me immensely happy. It's a combination thingy which is called "Berries and Cream". So good. Hmm... What else. Oh! My Mom got the security called on her at Walmart. xD At least, we're pretty sure it was her. She was looking at underwear, and she had to open the package to check the size, and there was a lady there who I guess thought she was taking them. xD It's funny. Anyways... I also got undies. Yay. Pertiful ones. I was gonna get a pertiful bra, too (a colored one... Since I don't have one), but they didn't have my size. :( That's part of what I hate about shopping. And my body. I really don't think I'm that ugly as far as my face goes... I just HATE my stomach. Bakka. It's hard to find any nice clothes in my size. ::sigh::
Oh, yeah. We went out to eat (I haven't been out to eat with my parents in so long) at this Italian restaurant called Carraba's. OMFG. So good. They had this antipasti (appetizer) called "Bruchette". Holy. Freakin'. Crap. It was so good. They had really fresh bread, and I got a pasta dish called "Rigatoni Martino", which was good too.
I also had an amazing revelation tonight. I'm not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I mean, as far as my career. I was SO sure thhat I wanted to be a vet for so long... Now I'm not. It's sad, really, to "give up" on that dream, but... Damn. I mean, that's a lot of work. I know that any feild that I go into will be a lot of work no matter what... But my Mom said she thinks it's 10 years of college. TEN! I thought it was eight. Either way, I won't be out of college until I'm 26 or 28!

Good Lord. One of the other careers that I was considering quite heavily was being a chef. I love to cook, and I love food. I think it'd be AWESOME to start a catering business or something... I mean, I'd love to do that. I would, I would. And, no, I don't expect culinary school to really be that much easier than vet school... But... I dunno. I just don't know any more. I'm starting to feel like I'm not good enough for Cornell. I want to go to Cornell so bad, but I don't think I'd make it. It's way above my head, and I'm only being realistic here.
I was just reading Erin's blog and she's already talking about making choices for colleges, as far as having a list ready goes. I'm not sure I even have that.

I mean, if I were to go to vet school, I think I would have to do four years at one school, and then do four years or whatever at Cornell. I really don't know any more. If I decide to go into cooking (which, quite honestly, I am seriously considering as a career path), I have the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and Johnson and Wales (schools in a few different locations, like Virgina and Rhode Island, I think) as two possible options. I've seen what both schools have to offer, and I quite like them.
No, this wasn't a random occurance, either, really. My parents and I were talking about college while waiting for food and such at the restaurant. It's a scary thought.
Bah. Thinking about this is depressing.

Bakka. Anyways. I think I'm going to go shower and shave... Hah. Maybe then I'll do some work on RPs which I need to catch up on as well as this story I'm supposed to be writing. Whoo.