Shannon @ 10:37:00 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005

Okay. So, like... I watched two movies today that I have never seen before.
1.) A Clockwork Orange, courtesy of Ramon. He sent it to me as a file transfer over AIM. It took five tries and two hours to download the whole thing. xD Then, I had to download something else to get the video part to play. It was... Interesting. I liked it... It was different than a lot of the movies that I usually like, but it was good.
2.) American Pie, courtesy of the TV. xD I watched it... It was also interesting. And funny. And strangely arrousing. xD HAH! Sorry, TMI. Made me think a lot about my virginity. xD Oh well.
Over all, today was pretty good. Not too much happened, though.