Shannon @ 9:32:00 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Uhm... Uhm... Uhm...
Okay. So... I'm leaving tomorrow for another camping trip. Whoo?
I can't say that I'm all too excited, as I'd almost much rather stay
home and do nothing, than be in the
woods and do nothing. I mean, I love camping and all, but... I've only got a little bit of time left before school starts again, and I wanna be home. Ugh.
My parents did say that they had some stuff planned, so I guess that maybe we're going horseback riding, to the rodeo, on the Minne Ha Ha... I don't know what else.
Blah. I should be doing laundry/dishes right now... But I just woke up and don't feel like it. Check back in a few hours... I still won't have done them. xD