Ho'kay. So. Third day of school, and it's finally Friday. Hallelujah.
So. The first few days of school were alright. Parts of it were pretty awkward; seeing 'em in the hallways, not being able to talk to them afterschool, etc., etc. But... Oh well. Their decision, it is how it is. It's getting better, easier, already. For that I am thankful.
Anyways. So. School. Here is my schedule (I'll do it like Erin xD):
Honors/AP English - Moore
Psychology - Snyder
Honors American History - Bach
Chemistry Lab - Mrs. Hughes
Symphonic band - Mr. Hughes (not married/related)
Math IV A; Pre-Calculus - Graseck
Spanish IV H - Jones
Lifetime - Ruzzi
Chemistry - Hughes
Studio in Art - Kokosa
Right, so. As you can see, I have no free periods other than lunch, which I will venture to say might be a bitch because of math. Why? Because I am going to DIE during math this year. DIE. Graseck... Just... Eww. She seemed kind of nice for a while, but then she turned into this psycho bitch. Wow. Hmm... I LOVE MY SPANISH TEACHER! He rocks. Hard. Jones=Love. :3
Snyder is awesome, too, seeing as I've had her before and that was my best year in History... EVAR. Mr. Hughes is pretty neat... But I have a feeling band is not gonna be all that much fun this year. Not that it was last year. I've sort of lost my liking for it, but I'll continue only because it is still nice, just... Not as nice as it used to be. Again, Adam Evans is next to me. I am last chair. Wo0t. xD
Bach seems pretty neat, too. He's loud, and he seems really enthusiastic and stuff. I like him... He's neat. He does seem to have a twitch, and a bit of a stutter sometimes. Reminds me of Mrs. Black... xD
Speaking of Mrs. Black and science, Mrs. Hughes my Chem teacher seems pretty neat too. She just seems like the type of teacher I'm going to be able to stand - Not love, not hate, just tolerate.
Anyways. I am EXHAUSTED right now. I'm gonna go like... Sleep. Or something. Yeah, that's it.