Shannon @ 12:35:00 AM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So. Today, my second to last day of freedom, was quite boring.
I really didn't do too much differently tomorrow, either, which is sad. :( I wanna get together with people before school starts but
someone (who shall remain nameless ::cougherinshermancough::) didn't finsih their projects and is still, as I gather, rather busy. Mrr.
Tomorrow I think I might try to beat FFX. Why? 'cause well... I guess it'd be cool? I 'unno. I'm a loser like that. And I'll only play if my brother goes out, 'cause I hate playing video games while he's around. It's annoying. He tries to tell me what to do, and I wanna figure it out by myself. Anywho.
It's 12:35 and I should go to bed. Otherwise I'm going to want to shoto myself on Wednesday. Then again, I have a feeling I might want to do that regardless of how much sleep I get.