Shannon @ 1:41:00 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005

As school slowly starts to approach, I realize how on some levels I am SO looking forward to it, and how on some, I'm not. Like, blah. I wanna go and have a LIFE, which is what school gives me to some extent, but I'm not looking forward to running on no sleep and doing homework. Oh well. I guess that's how life is... ::sigh::
Speaking of life... I dunno what's wrong with me lately. I'll get random feelings of like... Worthlessness and I'll be depressed and cranky. No, it's not PMS. :P I think it may just be due to the utter boredom of my life... But... I dunno. They are icky feelings, and I dunno what to do about them.
Meh. I'm off to do someting. 'unno what.