Shannon @ 11:01:00 AM
Saturday, September 17, 2005

This one is for the lovely Susan who requested it. :3
1. Susan is a wonderful person... Though sometimes she seems morbid and errr.. . o.O
2. Hmmm. Anything country reminds me of you, really.
3. Oooh. Susan jello wrestling... Uhm... Hmm. Blueberry? Or maybe pineapple or something...
4. Erm. Not sure, actually. o.O
5. Hrm. I think it was probably in homeroom in freshman year. Or like... Yeah. I think that was it.
6. You remind me of some sort of bird... Or maybe even a butterfly; delicate and beautiful.
7. Hrm. Why do you complain so much about crew if you love it so much? And if you don't love it, why do you do it?