Uggy buggy.
Today was... Eh. It was alright, I s'pose. Nothing overly exciting, though I did get a 95 on my history test. Which is amazing and I'm extremely happy about that.
Math is making me stress out, however. I'm convinced that it's Grasek and not me. Perhaps I'm just trying to explain my near failing, if not failing, grade. I've tried everything I can think of to do. I studied for an hour and a half before the test. I went in and saw her about questions I had on the review homework. I went in and reviewed questions with her during my lunch mod the day before the test. And I still didn't feel like I did really well. I went into this really confidently. I knew my material, Goddamnit.
And she throws fucking curveballs. "Thinking outside the box questions," she calls them. No. Fucking damnit. I want you test what you taught me, and what I was supposed to studay. I don't want you to throw something at me that I've never seen before and expect me to get it right away, just because I take 4A.
That's another thing I'm sick of hearing. Just because I'm in "A" or "H", doesn't mean I can teach myself. That just means, that I often catch on quicker. If you've never taught it to me, and just expect me to get it in a stressful test situation where I'm trying to figure out the problems on the test, then that's unfair.
Like I said, I'm convinced it's Grasek. I have tried everything I can think of. I can't do any more than what I'm doing, really. No matter what I do, I can't seem to make it work. I know people in the 3R class who are dropping down to 3M because they can't handle her. She needs to teach calculus and stay with that. I'm so stressed over this fucking class, that it's driving me insane, and I've cried over the homework, and just from the weight of the fact that I'm failing the class. This is my junior year. Very important year in my life. I can't get into college. Fuck.
I'm going to talk to her tomorrow, I think. I'm just going to tell her how I feel, and I think that I might drop down. I have no other choice. A drop on a report card loks better than an "F", in my opinion. I hate to drop down, and I'd love to stick it out, but it is unnecesarily stressful. My parents won't be happy, but they don't understand the circumstances.
Anyways. Guess what I get to do after my little rant? That's right! Math homework!
Imagine my joy.