So today in general kind of sucked, but I expected that from the beginning of Sunday for whatever reason.
English class this morning was alright I guess, besides the fact that I couldn't really concentrate. Oh, and Ms. Moore. But we'll just pretend that isn't part of my bad day.
Then I had psych, where I thought I was going to get off easy, because Tasha was supposed to bring in her stuff for our project all done, but she didn't, so we had to stay in the room for a little while to do it. Not too big of a deal, I guess, but I 'unno. And I also had to finish my history reading for class during that block, which I did, despite Max's interruptions about his hot cocoa, and bringing Richard with him in doing so. XP
Then history class. I guess it wasn't too bad. Except for the cramps. Oh GOD. I didn't talk about that did I? At first I thought it was
that time of the month, but it wasn't. I was just having really, really bad stomach cramps. I mean really bad. Ugh. They were the worst during history. So bad, that I had to leave the room because I couldn't sit still and watch the stupid movie. Which I almost fell asleep during, btw. Max did fall asleep during it. xD
Then I had to record my audition for band. Ugh, I did reall bad like I had expected. Oh well, I guess. My own fault.
The rest of that mod was spent with Tina and a few others in the library, where after Tina walked me to science, telling me a story about something. :ninja: Yeah.
Chem was alright, kinda forgot about the quiz, but that's okay. I did fine, I think. Not to mention that if we didn't finish, she's going to let us finish when we come back from our little break.
Band was... Well, band. Adam began calling me Shanequa (pronounce Sha-Knee-Qua) for watever reason again, as well as telling Thomas to call me that or Trombone Girl. ::rolls her eyes:: Anyways.
Then, I fell asleep on the bus. xD Oh well. I was damned tired. Couldn't help it.
When I got home I ate a little something and did some stuff. I also made another layout for a Gaia profile for someone. It took almost four hours, but... xD I liked it, the person I gave it to did too.
And now, not even a full day into my 'vacation', and I'm already bored.
Good times, good times.