So... Today.
Today, as a whole, was a good day.
He came home today, so I got to talk to him, and I was reall, really,
really fucking happy about it. Total surprise; I didn't think I'd get to talk to him until tomorrow. Wo0t. :3
Also, today is Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday, which means that I'll soon be on my weekend. Though my weekend will be spent on book reports, it is still nice to catch up on sleep (or so I hope).
I painted my nails french-manicure style, while I should have been doing some history reading.
Seeing as it's almost midnight right now, I won't be doing that reading. It's one out of 1209348202398423 million, and you know he's going to quiz us on it tomorrow. I can just feel it. Oh well, I say. Oh well. My sleep, at this moment, is much more important.
I would have gone to bed hours ago, however, reading "Civil Disobedience" by Thoreau was keeping me awake. Actually, it was putting me to sleep. BUT, I had to stay away because of it, because I have to have it read for English tomorrow. Oh, how I loate Thoreau.
Fwah. I also looked at a lot of college stuff today, too. I need to find a four-year college to get my Bachelor's degree at if I end up going to Moorpark, as that college will only give me an Associates Degree. I don't
need to, I s'pose, but in this day and age, the higher the degree, the better chance of a job, it seems. Zoology is pretty much where I'm positive I'd like to go now, no more changing my mind. xD
Anyways... Night night and sweet dreams you all. :3