Shannon @ 7:16:00 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006

You know, I don't like hearing my parents yell, even if it's not at me.
My brother just got screamed at by my Mom at the dinner table for his interm report, and oye vey... D:
I'm just glad she didn't yell at me.
In other news, I'm kind of blah right now 'cause I don't want to go back to school tomorrow. It's going to suck. Really, really fucking bad. D: Like, I don't even want to think about it.
I should be doing rhetorical journal entries for English, but I really don't want to, even though I
know I will regret it tomorrow when I have to do them, I really don't care. Feh.
I wanna watch a movie, I 'unno...
I'll find something to do. I always do. Hope y'all enjoyed your vacations. :3 See you tomorrow...