Shannon @ 12:14:00 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Soooo... Life.
Haha... What is that? I surely don't have one. Nope, don't have one.
Every Sunday this happens. I realize how much the week ahead is going to suck, and I feel like crap the rest of the day. xP
I should start my homework... And I will, once I'm done writing my entry here. 'course, I said that about two hours ago, too, but... ::cough::
I can't wait for next week to be over... Then I have vacation, and I can finally just relax and not have to worry too much about "OMFG There's that thing due tomrrow that I haven't done! OHNOES!".
I can't belive the school year is almost over. I mean, we've only got like four months until the end... It's a bit crazy. Not looking forward to regents or my AP English thing, though, let me tell you. Those will be murder on my soul. And my sleep schedule. Then again, what isn't murder on my sleep schedule these days?
I slept over 10 hours from Friday to Saturday, and damn did it feel good. XD I didn't sleep quite as much last night, but I slept more in that one night than I have in weeks. XP
Fwah... Right... Homework. I don't procrastinate, what are you *talking* about?
1 in love...