All in all, I should probably blog more. Meh.
So... A varitable amount of things going on, I s'pose.
Let's start with today. Today was a BEAUTIFUL day. I ate lunch outside for the first time since the beginning of school, and it was AMAZING. Oh GOD, luff. :3
Today in general was pretty nice as there wasn't very much drama, except for that one person that is just a drama-magnent. Hmmm.
Oh, and Erin has left for her UWC interview today as well. Which is, well... Sad in some respects. I love her like mad, and she's basically my best friend. So, I want the best for her; I want her to go and do what she wants to do, and have a fucking blast doing it. And at the same time, she's my best friend... And next year I'm going to be a senior; I'm going to be GRADUATING from high school. I want her there; I want her to graduate with me. It's a tough call, but if she'll be happy at UWC, then she should go. I'll miss her, but I know that she will keep in touch as best as she can. ::sign::
Hmmm... What else, what else...
Oh, prom, right. I got my prom dress. Yay. =) It's black with a lilac ribbon at the top, and then a slit down the side which reveals the same colored purple fabric, and it ties. It has a flowery design across the top and down the edge of the slit in the side. It's very nice. =)
Limo things are being a pain in the respect that Natalie probably isn't going with us, so we have to find another couple (or just two other solo people) or everyone has to pay ninety instead of seventy per person, which kinda stinks. Ugh. Kristen might be going with us, and a date if she finds one. So I dunno.
Hrm. Oh, right. We got bagels and stuff from my English teacher this morning because of Allie Tepper winning the Poetry contest. It was a good time. =)
It's the weekend and that's nice, because I can go to bed when I damn well feel like it, and I can get up when I want. Nice.