Shannon @ 10:30:00 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006

I don't update this thing enough.
Oh well. Rawr.
So... This weekend has been moderately boring. Though I almost died on Friday. From shock.
Interims came out on Friday, and my Mom goes "What is up with you?" and I'm like "eh?".
Apparently I'm getting a fucking "D" in English. How the *hell* does that work? If it's true (which I honestly
don't think it is), she could have fucking told me. I'm so mad at Ms. Moore right now you have no idea.
And I guess I'm getting a "C" in Spanish? Uh, no? 'cause I checked my grade on Wednesday after I gave my presentation and I
thought it said I had a 91%. I'm fucking pissed off.
Saturday was normal... I did go out with Sarah (haven't seen her in a while). We walked up to Wendy's 'cause she was hungry (no that that's new xD).
Today was relatively boring as well. Volunteered like normal, and had to read a whole chapter in my history book for an open note quiz tomorrow 'cause I did the wrong reading last class. Good times.
Well, it's time for me to SLEEP.
Oh, and Friday = St. Patrick's day. Don't forget your green!