You know... I kind of expected to wake up today and have yesterday be a dream. I expected to be going to a hair appointment, getting my nails done, having myself fussed over, and dancing my ass off all night.
But... It wasn't a dream. It's over now; Prom, that is. And... It's kinda sad. Perhaps I'm just being an emo daughter-of-a-bitch, but. Meh. I had a fucking awesome time. Fucking LOVED it. So glad I went. Frank was great, and it wasn't as awkward as I had thought it was going to be.
The limo was great. I've never ridden in a limo before now, and it was just... Awesome. The Marriot was beautiful, and the food was good too. xP Everything was just... So nice. It was so surreal sometimes. I danced most of the night away, and it was just amazing. Sean Douglas won for Prom King, which is FANTASTIC, and I'm so happy for him. Megan Brown won Queen, which is great, because she's a great person; quirky and really friendly.
I guess I'm kinda sad it's over because... For once in my life, I finally felt as beautiful as people were telling me I looked. I finally felt like I was pretty. In a way it seemed fake... 'cause I don't, obviously, dress up like that on a regular basis. I'm just wondering if maybe people finally saw something in me that they'd never seen before? Who knows. I'm also kinda sad because it bring about those thoughts of "oh, shit. I'm a junior in high school, only have one month left, and then I have the summer to think about applying for colleges and the shitload of work I'm going to have to do." Kinda like... Those feelings of growning up. Part of me wants to grow up, and part of me doesn't. I looked around while I was dancing yesterday and saw in the faces of my friends traces of those that were growing up. And I guess I saw it in myself too. It's kinda scary... I remember being in middle school and thinking things couldn't get any better. I remember being eleven years old and thinking I had a lot of homework; not realizing what I had to face when I got to high school (I have a "rough draft" of a four page paper due on Tuesday). Point being, I s'pose, was that I just felt... Great. I just let go all night; I danced like I'd never danced before, and had a fucking awesome time.
I wanna thank Frank for taking me, I had a great time with him. I also wanna thank my parents for letting me go, spending all that money on this one night for me, and being there to support me. Thanks to the people that I hung out with all night; you guys were amazing and I love you all - you made my night, and I have memories that I hope I won't ever forget. And finally, thanks to Kristen's Mom for driving me home. :P
(( Sorry, I thought I was going to get yelled at for being too sappy; had to lighten it up a bit. xP ))