Shannon @ 12:19:00 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006

So, I've got my glasses. They're purple and kind of awesome, and not so bad to wear.
Though it is hard getting used to putting them on when I get up, as I have to wear them all the time basically, and getting used to them resting on my nose.
Meh, whatever.
We're getting ready to leave for our camping trip today... And it's raining.
Not so fun. Camping in the rain is really not cool in general terms, becuase then it's muddy and just nasty.
I'll be gone for the week, back on either Saturday or Sunday. Either way, no one will miss me. xD See ya later. :3
1 in love...
Shannon @ 1:24:00 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Shannon is getting glasses. Should be a good time.
I'm also going to be playing WoW, at least for a few months as I recently... Came into some money.
Otherwise, nothing interesting.
OH. WAIT. How the *hell* could I forget?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was AMAZING. I freaking LOVED it. I may be a bit biased, as I love both JD and OB, but still.
You should go see it if you liked the first, and I can't wait for the third!
May 25th, 2007. I'm waiting!
And also waiting for two to come out on DVD.
1 in love...
Shannon @ 11:37:00 PM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
This and
this are two things y'all need to do. >>;
1 in love...