So... I feel like, now that a large chapter of my life is coming to a close, I should start writing here again. I've also been meaning to do so for a while... I like writing down my thoughts, actually, it's a good way to express feelings. So, yes... I believe I'll start blogging again. Perhaps inconsistently, but I'll try. Especially through college, if only because I know that I won't talk to certain people as much, and it's a good way for them to learn about what's going on with me.
So... Today was my last day of high school classes. And, oddly enough, I don't find myself crying like I thought I would. I feel like maybe I
should cry, but I can't. I'm sad, yes, but it's not a teary sad - I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.
I also feel a bit peeved at the fact that I am not in any of the photos (or the video, for that matter) of today... But, I guess I just had bad timing. The fact that I had to sit away from my best friend again today, similarly to Gala, made me a bit peeved too. I feel like... Well, I don't know. I'm going to miss her the most out of everyone, and I'm not afraid to say it, because it's true. She's been my best friend since I came here, and I just kind of wish I could have had that time with her on our last days. I mean, yeah, there's graduation and parties and a few summer days here and there where we might be able to hang out, but she's going to get ready to go off to Princeton, and we're both getting ready to go to college, how much time can I really expect there to be?
In either case, I'd like to blame this on one person (and no, it's not her boyfriend), but I'm not sure I'm justified. But I'd like to. Oh well, I guess. Oh well. Kinda good summary of high school, huh? "Oh well."
As far as the last day of high school goes... It wasn't anything exciting. Slept in late, went to school for English "class" and then the Chinese buffet with everybody... Sorta (see above). Then I came home and slept. Yay me. After this entry I'll be playing WoW for a bit, probably, to keep off the boredom. At least for now. Maybe a movie or something later. Who knows.
I need to change this layout, I think. Hmm.
Well... I can't think of much else right now, so. Oh well, as it goes.