Annnnnnd again I post. Totally sporadic, aren't I?
This is actually my 150th post on this blog. How odd.
Anyways... I'm not sure what has possessed me to post here today, I want to. Maybe I'm just wasting time... I have book reading that needs to get done. Like, really done. Soon.
... Feh.
College so far has been interesting. I've made some new friends, and it wasn't as hard as I thought. My roommate, Liza, is great - she's really nice, and she introduced me to some girls she met at orientation, and so we're all friends now. I still miss my friends at home like crazy, though... Love you guys! In addition to those girls (Melissa and Kelsey), I've met one of the girls across the hall, Dianna, who likes to play WoW too. Ross my neighbor also plays, and so does Cliff down the hall. Cliff's roommate Zach is nice, as is Cliff for the record, and they're really awesome guys to hang out with. Brett is nice too, met him through Melissa and Kelsey basically... There's also Aaron down the hall who's nice, though we've only ever hung out at a social event with Austin while he was working the front desk. xD Austin is one of my RMs (the other is Courtney, who's nice, but she just doesn't come down to our end of the hall to talk to anyone), and he's pretty cool too. He's funny, and pretty awesome to hang out with.
Classes are going well and I'll be getting a personal trainer for the gym so that they can show me what to do since I've never used real gym equipment before. I also plan to go to yoga with Liza on Sundays, and maybe another class or two they hold (Kickboxing, step, etc) depending on how much I meet with my trainer and etc. The diet is going well - finding "diet-friendly" foods isn't as much as a problem as I thought it was going to be, but finding consistent times to eat is nearly impossible due to classes and wanting to go out to eat with everyone and such. But, I'm doing well, I think.
I miss my boy. I miss him a lot, actually. He was 'away' for a month or so, so there was very little correspondance - only an email or two. Finally he got to Texas and got a cell phone, so I've been calling him almost every other night. I called him last night and kind of got upset... Looks like he'll be going to Mexico for Christmas, so it's unlikely he'll be coming then. Then again, I tell myself, I've got a little more than a month off for Christmas (Dec. 17-Jan. 23) break, so maybe we'll be able to work something out... Maybe. "It'll be easier now, we'll see more of each other now," he says... But I dunno. I'm worried.
In happier news... It looks like I'll be applying for an internship in Florida (Sanibel Island) for a rehabilitation facility in hopes of gaining some upper-division college credits. Maybe I can make a trip to Texas before I go back then...=)
It's worth entertaining the thought, at the very least.