Shannon @ 1:25:00 PM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Just conversing with him seems so awkward now...
It's like I don't know what to say to him if I'm not in love.
I'm confused, and I hate it.
Knowing he's talking to her at the same time doesn't make it much better, either...
Part of me wishes he'd just dropped off the face of the Earth, part of me wants things to go back to how they were, before I knew.
And part of me wants something completely new, and completely different. I wish I could find someone to take interest in here... But it's just... Not going to happen.
I don't think I want him back, but I want that feeling...
I miss the loving embrace of another's arms, the warmth felt inside when all they had to say to you was three simple, little words... And suddenly you felt safe and happy, and life was good again. Nothing can compare to that, and I miss it...