Shannon @ 2:37:00 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well then.

It's high time that I make changes in my life... From big to small and I think it's time for a lot of them.

1.) Get back on and stick with the diet. Due to being home I've been off and on my diet and this is neither good for me or for my resolve. So, when I get back to school, it's time to get back to eating right. Detox first when I get to school, though - gotta start there for a few days at least, if not a week. It's gonna be hard, but I gotta do it.

2.) Keep exercising. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do situps/pilates before going to sleep at night as part of the nightly routine. Also, of course, a regular workout routine of some kinda... Getting back into the gym or using the DVDs I got for Christmas.

3.) Keep a nightly routine. Simply put: I suck at motivating myself to do things sometimes, even for the most simple of tasks. Brush my teeth, wash my face, do a bit of exercise/stretching, etc. Try to go to bed by about 11.

4.) Take care of my teeth. Brush once in the morning and once at night AT LEAST. Start flossing and maybe using mouthwash?

5.) Don't eat after 10. This kinda goes with the diet thing, but I think it should be separate for my own sanity... I gotta stop snacking late at night if I can help it... Unless it's fruit or something, no food after 10!

6.) Drink more water. At least two of my 24+ oz water bottles a day... Three would be better!

7.) Write in my blog. I'm going to start off trying at least once a week... I feel like I gotta start writing down how a feel and whatever; it really helps.

8.) Make lists. I've found lists really help me with things... Make lists of school assignments, chores, appointments, etc, of things that need to get done. Check them off as I go.

9.) Stop searching so hard for love. I'm stressing myself out and making myself while trying to look for love, trying to get him back... I don't know what else to do, what else to tell him, so it's time to let go. He knows how I feel, knows I'm interested and I can't do much more than that.

I thought there were more than that, but that seems to be all I can remember... Hmm. I'm sure I'll come up with more eventually, but for now this is what I got... It's a good start, I think. And doable, if I really pay attention.

Well, here's to that! ::clinks imaginary champagne glasses together::
A lot of this also applies to me. . . particularly the bit about working out. My roommates and I sort of resolved to go to the gym this semester, but I don't know that we actually will.

If we do, I will play racquetball. :P
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