Shannon @ 5:29:00 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oh, the weather outside is frightful...
I'm a bit lonely here.
I mean, I'm surrounded by a bajillion and five other people, but I'm lonely. I have my friends, and they're WONDERFUL, but I want something else. I want a boyfriend. Someone who I can kiss goodnight... And good morning. Someone who isn't a plane ride away but just a short walk. At this point I'd settle for Matt, even though he drives me crazy... I have feelings for him that I just can't explain, that I'm not sure anyone can really even understand. I'm not even sure I fully understand them. I just want someone who thinks I'm the most special thing in the world; someone who couldn't imagine how they lived before me.
Maybe that's a bit dramatic, a bit sappy... Even a bit scary. Maybe I don't want someone who's really that crazy. But I do want someone to be close to, emtotionally, physically if possible. I dunno. I always get lonely around this time, though - as the weather turns cold and it starts snowing I think about how much I'd like to go on a walk with someone, all bundled up in jackets and mittens, and just hold their hand. How I'd like to lay in a warm bed with them and just listen to them breathe, just watch them sleep... I dunno. The holidays always make me feel like this and they make me reminisce a lot; whether or not that's a good thing, I don't know.
In better news, I just figured out my life. For a bit I thought I wasn't going to be able to graduate on time (AKA after next year; and by 'graduate' I really and technically mean go to Florida) but I figured out what was wrong and it's all better now. As it is I could take a minimum of 13 credits my last semester here... But somehow I don't think I'm going to be doing that. xP I'll probably max it out around 16 or 17.
Other than that... I'm tired. And I want to sleep.
Maybe I'll take a nap.