Shannon @ 9:19:00 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
things I gots ta do!
Things to be accomplished while at home over break:
Sell the rest of my textbooks [has to wait until I get to school]-
Email professors for next semester asking what textbooks will be used for their class-
Order/buy/rent textbooks for next semester [has to wait until I get to school]- Clean my room here at home, maybe getting rid of things I know I don't need/want/use
- Finish my latch-hook which has been in a work in progress for... Two or three years
- Pirates marathon!
- LotR marathon!
- Saw marathon!
Get plenty of sleep and not feel guilty about it-
Play WoW-
Center myself and decide what/who is and is not worth my time... And convince myself of it- Figure out the general logistics of what I'm doing this summer as far as the Sanctuary or getting a job and/or being a summer RA
[kinda has to wait until I get to school - need to talk to Rachel about this!]-
Read a book or two... Or five-
Accept that he is probably not coming back and that's alright-
Spend some lovely time with friends-
Enjoy Christmas and the Holidays with my family-
Love my cats a whole bunch :DDD- Make a list of questions for the financial aid department/school/my adviser about Santa Fe
- Do some CSS code/profile/graphics/make a new blog layout