So. Yesterday was Christmas, and although I should be overjoyed, I have this ugly, nasty sick feeling that I always get after Christmas.
This isn't the type of sick feeling that you get when you've eaten too much, or like you're going to throw up. I have this icky feeling that I'm growing up, that soon I won't be in my house all the time, that soon I'll be off at college most of the year. I always get like this after Christmas. I realize how much my parents provide for me every day, and how much sometimes I don't appreciate it. And how lately I've been living in the future, instead of day to day. I never get to appreciate the moment, 'cause I'm always thinking about what I have to do next just to get through the day.
I always get this funny feeling at Christmas. Perhaps its the closing of another year of my life, perhaps its just me being an over-emotional girl, but whatever it is, it always happens.
Any ways... Enough with that sad, icky stuff, because I certainly have a lot to be thankful for this time.
I am currently writing this journal from my room. My room, you say? Yes, room. I now own a computer, that is totally mine and no one elses. My parents bought it for me for Christmas, obviously, and I have a shiney new printer/scanner/copier to go with it, too. I actually have speakers, and it doesn't take five hours to restart this computer. Amazing.
Aside from the computer, I also got a digital camera. However, when I opened it, it wasn't working, so my parents had to return it. However, there weren't any at the store, so they had to take store credit. They also had to take my mom's DVD player back, so they just got her a better DVD player. They're giving me the camera that they bought a few years ago when they went to Disney.
So, other than those two things, I also got a shitload of DVDs (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Don Juan, Ninth Gate,Edward Scissor Hands, and more; See a connection?) which I can play on my computer, and some CDs (PotC and A Knight's Tale soundtracks, Rascal Flatts - Feels Like Today, Pink - Try This, and Maura O'Connell - Helpless Heart (from Erin)), all of which were transferred to my computer, so that I now have a winamp playlist of 180+ songs.
I also got some pillows (big fluffy ones), a spiral curling iron, candy, some clothes, a CatCF poster, and some other smaller stuff that I'm forgetting.
So... Wow. This Christmas: Quite strange, yet amazing. I say strange because of Joey being here, as well as the fact that we went to my Aunt's camp instead of her house, and it wasn't just the family like usual, there was also her new... Special friend and his daughter... As well as some of her friends (only two, but still). Feh, I dunno. It wasn't so bad. She had the cutest little kittens, though. Little babies, so cute.
And I say amazing 'cause, well... I'm on a computer. In my room. That I got for Christmas. Rediculous.
If anyone wants to do anything this break, just gimme a call. Or ya know, if you're lonely and wanna talk, you can call too. xD
A late merry Christmas and happy Channuka to you,and warm winter wishes. Enjoy.

Today was shitty, and actually, this whole week has really just been shit.
I've woekn up late everyday this week so far, and I'm exhausted. I had a fight with my parents this morning, which consisted of a lot of tears and yelling. I don't think they understand how stressed and tired I am, because they're never downstairs enough to notice, and they never ask me.
Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but that's how I feel. I am so exhausted, and school obviously is the reason. I spend almost all my free time in school trying to do homework so that I can have some free time at home, more than likely to sleep. I feel like I'm always doing schoolwork, but I guess that's what junior year is all about, eh?
Whatever... I hope that we have a snow day tomorrow, it would make me happy.
Later. I'm sleepy...

After an Irish river : Irish
Energetic and courageous you stand up for your beliefs and for what you desire. You are independent, strong willed and fiercely competitive when needed although your ambition is tempered with patience. You maintain a positive attitude and with a more organised or practical approach to life material success is very likely. Your immensely loving and generous nature brings joy into peoples lives and ensures your happiness.
Hmm... That actually seems pretty acurate, if I do say so myself. Either way, it's nice to think about it. :3
I haven't blogged anything substantial in a while, though I may later today when I get home.
Only 11 days 'till Christmas. ^^