Shannon @ 8:35:00 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Original Image by Elysium DesignsBleh...
Today was shitty, and actually, this whole week has really just been shit.

I've woekn up late everyday this week so far, and I'm exhausted. I had a fight with my parents this morning, which consisted of a lot of tears and yelling. I don't think they understand how stressed and tired I am, because they're never downstairs enough to notice, and they never ask me.

Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but that's how I feel. I am so exhausted, and school obviously is the reason. I spend almost all my free time in school trying to do homework so that I can have some free time at home, more than likely to sleep. I feel like I'm always doing schoolwork, but I guess that's what junior year is all about, eh?

Whatever... I hope that we have a snow day tomorrow, it would make me happy.

Later. I'm sleepy...
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