Alright... Well, as you all can well see it is Monday... Blah says I. First of all, the phone rang at 7:45 this morning... Then, around 8, both my parents were downstairs talking... There were talking really, really loudly. -.- Pissed me off. Then, my Dad woke me and my brother up at 9 and told us that we had to clean the downstairs... Including our rooms. ::hates cleaning her room:: Yeah... See, I have this theory about cleaning my room:
If I clean my room I won't know where anything is. Why you ask? Because if my room is 'dirty', then I step on everything and therefor I know where it is when I need it. Also, things I don't use as often stay in the place I put them last so that not *everything* is on the floor. And so long as my room doesn't smell, which it doesn't, what's the problem? I don't get it. I mean, I clean it before a friend comes over usually... But even if we have company, why would they be in my room? Why would they care? I mean... My room seriously isn't that bad. It's mostly stuffed animals and clothes on the floor.
Another thing that bothers me... Is the fact that my Dad goes in my room sometimes. It's MY room, damnit! Stay out! I don't go in your room all the time... So stop going in mine. Granted, he doesn't do it often, but when he does it irritates me to no end. He goes in there to shut off a light, to turn on the fan, turn off the TV, shut the window. If you want something off or something, TELL ME! I'll do it! Don't just walk into my room! Grrr. -.-
Anyways... Enough about that. So, like I said... We had to clean the whole downstairs before my Dad comes home at 9:00 tonight. Well, we got the living room, laundry room, dining room and part of the bathroom done. Now all we need to clean is the rest of the bathroom and our rooms. Jeremy is currently downstairs cleaning his room...
His room is an absolute disastor area. I swear to God that almost every toy that boy owns is on the floor. He's got legos all over, random papers, pieces to board games, cards, and God knows what else. Yesterday he was in the living room playing a videogame and I wanted to see if something was on quick... The TV in my room didn't go down that many channels so I had to use his. I opened the door to his room and though something was going to bite me. Scary. o.o; But I swear it looks like a tornado went right through his room. Another thing about his room is that his mess seems to migrate out of his room and into the living room. I swear... He had so much of his stuff in the living room that it might as well have been an extention of his room.
I am taking the lazier approach to all this, as you can see. I stay up here on the computer for a little while, then I go downstairs and clean for a bit and then come back up here. This wouldn't work for Jeremy 'cause his room is such a mess and he'd totally procrastinate against cleaning. Heh. Sort of what I'm doing... But it'll get done... I have no doubt. ::nod::
That's enough about cleaning... On to more interesting things. I'm thinking about opening an art shop on Gaia. You can click and see the type of things I'd be selling. ^^ They're emoticon art. I take your avatar and you pick an emoticon. I draw your avatar and then put the emoticon face on it. That there is Erin... She's my 'model' persay. I like 'em... I think they cute... And I'll of course get better over time. For now I'm offering them as donation gifts for my quest. ^^ I got the idea because at the Olympic event I gave away a lot of free art... And everyone said they loved my style. So it got me thinking about doing avatar art and stuff... I'll keep you updated.
Well, for now that's it. I'll leave you alone to your bor- I mean busy lives. XP
I hate disposable razors. I just took a shower and couldn't find any more replacement heads for my Venus Razor and had to use this disposable one... Now, anyone who has ever shaved with one before knows that disposable razors are sharper then a commercial replacement head one. This sucks. Well, I knew this and was being very careful when the nearly empty shampoo bottle fell on my hand, therefore bumping my hand and causing me to cut myself. Oww. I cut my ankle and it hurt even worse when the shaving gel got in it. :vein: Nyah.
Alright. I am officially in love with this layout. It really rawks my sawks.
Mmkay. Moving on. It's like... 11:40 in the morning right now... And I'm on the internet. Like always. Nothing interesting has happened in days. Well, last night was my brother's birthday. Yeah... We errr... Had cake. And icecream. And he got some presents... Boring. I played a lot of FFX last night, too. ::thinks::
Nope. Nothing interesting. Blah. This is sad. I have no life. o.o; See... I'm dreading school, but at the same time I can't wait. I mean, I don't want to go through all the long days and tests and homework, but at the same time, with school I felt like I had *some* sort of a life. Not to mention I got to see all you cool people I call friends. =D <3 Which reminds me. If any of you guys wanna get together before school starts, tell me or call me or PM me... Something. ^^ I'd love to see ya.
Hmm. What to say, what to say, what to say. My cousin leaves for the army in less than 20 days... Yeah. It's a good thing at yet at the same time I feel like I don't want him to go. They told him that he wouldn't have to go out to Iraq unless he wanted to. But, everyone suspects that's a lie... Especially if we start a war. So I'm afraid for him, and yet I'm very proud of him for making such a decision. This is something he really wants to do... And he's doing it. It's a lot better for him than staying in the town he currently lives in; Gloversville. It's small and there isn't much there for him in many ways. Heh. Who knows. I know Brandon won't read this most likely... But, I LOVE YOU! and I'm very proud. Keep going for your dreams and don't give up! You can do it! We all believe in you.
And with that, I give you this... Which really hit home for me for some reason and it almost made me cry:
A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him* Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on? Its buggin me.
In the paper the next day:
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it but only 1 survived... The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realizd that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die. Now if there is anyone on here that you love and care for that much, copy this and repost it...
Whee! Alright... So. You all have been sent here from my old blog, or Gaia most likely.
Either way... Welcome!
I have decided that my old blog was sort of... Crowded and somewhat overdone. This is a little more simple, but I love it all the same! This layout really reminds me of Shrek... I'm sure you can guess why. I hope you enjoy it... I worked hard on making it look good and making it a little easier on the eyes! I might be adding more things later (though not overcrowding it) and might be changing a few things... I hope you like this new one 'cause I sure do! Oh... And there's a link to my old blog on the side bar under the archives. ^^