Shannon @ 7:25:00 AM

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

They hate us..

Whee! They hate us here in the library... Yes, it's true. Then again, I think the librarians hate everyone. Oh well... Too bad for everyone. xD

0 in love...

Shannon @ 5:58:00 PM

Monday, September 27, 2004


Today was nothing special, which isn't out of the ordinary. Got up, showered, got dressed, went to JV Jazz band practice, had Biology, Concert Band practice, English, gym, lunch and intermediate foods.

Lunch was awesome as always... I love my lunch on AC days. It is teh rawkz0rz. And of course foods was great too... Why? Because we got to eat food. ^^ We made buffalo chicken garbage bread... It was so good... Mmm-Mmm-Good. Heh.

Anyways... Nothing else interesting really happened today. Besides the fact that my English class time was totally wasted. My teacher had us do peer editing for these essays we had to write and me and my partner were done way before everyone else... So we sat and talked about random stuff for a good 40 minutes. Then she asked us if me and her thought that it really helped. It didn't really, but I told her yes just so that she may do it again and we can waist more time. I'm so evil. I love it.

Anyways... I ain't got much more to say. Later y'all.

0 in love...

Shannon @ 5:56:00 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Garbage bread...

Yummeh, says I. Garbage bread. Wo0t!

Alright, at first you might be like, "Eww! Garbage bread? WTF?!?" But it's really good. You make like pizza dough and then flatten it out and then put like... Cheese and other stuff on it... Like in foods we had it with sausage and cheese, tomatoes, and scallions. It was actually really, really good. I think that I might make it one day and bring it as a picnic like thing during our 8th mod lunch on AC days. ^^ Yay.

Other than that... Lunch was the only real highlight of the day.

Let's see... It consisted of god damn grass, fucking grass (and I don't mean anyone actually fucking grass, I mean like... Katelyn called it fucking grass and we talked about the fact that grass doesn't fuck, and if it did, what it would feel like sitting on it while it did O.O and about making a dildo out of grass. And how this would tickle. Yes, we are insane. Thank you for noticing), "penis talk", talking about sex (very normal), me getting said grass in my hair, and a few other things which apparently are not funny enough for me to remember.

Oh yes... And Tina's having a baby. No, not really. Her sister is having a baby... Apparently she's been in labor since 4:00 this morning. o.o; Holy shite. Ouch. Thank God for epideral. xD

Anyhow... I know Katelyn put it up on her blog, but, I gotta put it up on mine, too:

"I was not talking about penises... I was talking about sex. And what do penises have to do with sex?"~Moi

And, yes, I was of course joking. :-P

0 in love...

Shannon @ 4:03:00 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It's... Only Wednesday...

For some reason, I kept thinking today was Thursday... Hmm. Wishful thinking, I guess.

Anyways... I actually ate breakfast this morning, which is different. The only real reason for this is that I had breakfast for dinner last night and I didn't finish it (yes, I said breakfast for dinner. I had a sausage and cheese omelet [only ate half... had the other half for breakfast], hasbrowns [had one of them for breakfast, too] and this really good garlic toast). It felt good to actually go to school and no have to think about food. I mean, I don't usually eat lunch or anything, anyways... Mostly because the price for lunch is so high, and even if I were to bring my own lunch, it would just be one extra thing to carry and, knowing me, I'd forget it on the counter. -.-

And I did remember that it was drag day today. But, I couldn't find any of my Dad's clothes. He must of picked up his laundry last night so I didn't get the change... It was sad. ;_; I seriously tried, though... I just didn't have anything. So I wore the pants which Tina wrote, on the butt, "Random Ass". Err... Yeah... o.o;

Anyhow. Today I had both my Spanish project and my History project due... Oh fun fun. My Spanish project was so bad... We had to pick one thing we liked and one thing we didn't like and write seven sentences for each and get a picture for each. Blah... I drew my picture, and I'm a horrible imaginary artist (drawing things that aren't laid out in front of me). Ontop of that, my paragraphs were pretty lame... But oh well. Too late now. And my History project, a news article, was alright, I guess. I mean... I didn't really know what to write... So I sorta kinda fudged some of it. Eh... Oh well, I guess. I'll deal. Don't think I did that badly. And I have another essay to write for that class for Friday. Oh joy of joys. -.-

And my first math quiz of the year. It was relatively easy, actually. Hmm... I didn't study too much for it, though... Ought to get into that habbit, I guess. Mreh.

Hmm... On that boring note, Max wore a skirt today. Again. The same one... Hmm. The people in my History class certainly got a kick out of it. he was the topic of discussion on a few occassions, actually. And I shall have nightmares for the rest of my life, I do think. xD

Anyhow... I'll leave ya with that. Later y'all. ^^

0 in love...

Shannon @ 10:59:00 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004


I'm sick. And it sucks really, really bad. My throat is sore and my voice sounds kinda weird. You see, I think that I got my cold from Tina... That Lime Coke bottle that we had that day (the one Katelyn chugged a quarter of) was like a community bottle... Oh well. My nose is a little stuffy... And I'm at school right now. In the library, actually. I should be working on my History project... But, like usual, I don't feel like it. Which, as I realize, isn't good because I need to finish it by Wednesday... Hmm. I also have a Spanish project due wednesday. This should be an interesting two days.

See, I don't have a problem with the History project because it should be quite simple... The problem is that Snyder (my teacher) wants us to have a balanced citation between books and internet. If you don't, she takes off points. It sort of sucks... So, what I'm probably going to do is cite two random books on my person, and use them mostly for dates. One of which will probably be a encyclopedia. Fun fun, right? Sure. ::sigh::

Oh well. I'm procrastinating already and we've been in school like... A week and a half. This isn't going to turn out well, I don't think.

I might have taken too many honors on top of that. o.O All of my classes, with exception to my English, are honors classes. Well, unless you count concert band and Intermediate foods. But, I'm not, so it's all good. But... "It'll look good on a college application," is what I keep telling myself.

That's also what I'm telling myself in regards to continuing band. If I quite after two years, which is what I was concidering (not playing next year), it wouldn't look good on my (hopeful) application to Cornell. Heh... Yeeeeeaaahhhh riiiiiiiight. -.- Oh well... Maybe I'll make it.
I also have a history test last block. Guess what I was doing while I should have been studying? Painting my nails. Damn straight. I did french tips on both my fingers and my toes. And then, with gel pens, I did three little stars on each finger- and toe nail. It's spectacular, really. I love them. I will have to show you all tomorrow morning. I would have shown you this morning, but, I had to go to jazz band and didn't have time. Mreh. I'm never going to have any time and it sucks.

Well, I really ought to get working on that stupid book thing... For if I don't, I will be regreting it tomorrow night and Wednesday morning ('cause I'll be up 'till 2:30 AM working on the damned thing.) ::sigh:: Later y'all.

0 in love...

Shannon @ 1:14:00 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2004

A day off...

Ahh... Already we have a day off. How nice.

One problem, though. We get used to these three day weeks and then realize that we have to go back to school for five days, not just three. >.<>.<>
And my photobucket account is being a pain in the ass... Hence why my pictures aren't showing up. I guess photobucket in general is a little screwy right now, things should be back to normal soon, though.

0 in love...

Shannon @ 11:56:00 AM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

First week of school

Blah! o.O What am I doing here? School sucks pretty much... So far anyways. Except for the fact that I lost my check sometime Wednesday morning... Luckily, Mitch gave me five dollars... So I have my assignment notebook. (why are they black? o.O) And then Friday I got called down to the office and they found the check. -.- Crazy.

My first class of the day is honors bio... Then on AC days I have band (yay Fisk!), then English. I have this new teacher named Mrs. Kramm (a lot of the English teachers are new this year because of the pregnancies >_>;). She seems pretty cool... Though a little too cheerleader peppy sometimes for me. Oh well. Then I have gym (lifetime, GAG!... With Coach Black. -.- Again) and then lunch. Oh so fun. Concidering I'll never eat lunch... Like last year. S'all good, I s'pose. Mostly because I have awesome peoples in my lunch! Teh Katelyn-ness ^^.Next I have intermediate foods. Lunch and then foods... Awesome end to the day if you ask me. I had to run the mile today in gym, though. That sucked ass. Can I just say that for the record I hate gym? Like seriously. I find it pointless and I get no enjoyment out of it... Only stress. I finished in 10:59. Yeah... Not. That was three laps, not four. They didn't make me run the fourth lap, like last year. I guess they don't care... 'cause neither do I. Mreh. Oh well. As long as I pass, I'm good.

On BD days I have bio, study hall, Spanish, study hall, lunch, math and history. It's not that bad, I s'pose. My classes are more balanced this year, though. Last year I had one really easy day and one killer day. This year my BD days are a little harder, but more managable.

Erinthing is picking me up and taking me to the highschool for our little meeting thingus. It's insane. Not really, but we can say it is just for the hell of it. Starbucks, man. Starbucks. That's all I have to say. And THANK YOU TINA! ::huggles:: She ish teh paying for meh. She rawks my sawks hard. Very hard. xD

0 in love...

Shannon @ 6:38:00 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Alright... I just got new pants for starting school... And some new shirts, too. Nothing special but the pants are hawt. They're white... I've always wanted a pair of white pants. Don't ask me why because I don't know. But I have. And they are fuzzy... Kinda like cordoroy fuzzy and kinda stretchy. They are awesome. I love them. ::hugs 'em:: I can't believe I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning. o.o; I'm already tired just thinking about it. :gonk:

Blogger needs smilies, damnit!

0 in love...

Shannon @ 11:05:00 AM

New poem

There. New poem up. Y'all happy now? XP too bad it sucks. >.<

0 in love...

Shannon @ 10:02:00 AM

I'm done... And then there's tomorrow.

Gah! Someone kill me, please. For some reason my parental controls blocked out my own blog... WTF? Mreh. It's stupid. 'Cause I sent my Mom the request for permission and she didn't even approve it yet... And I doubt she ever will because she's lazy. ::sigh:: But, I waited until today and I can finally get online and see my blog from upstairs on IE instead of AOL. I hate AO-Hell with a passion.

Anyways. I have written a few poems... But have been too lazy to put them up. :-P I'll try to get them up today. Since I don't have to worry about finishing my books. ^^ I finished them two days ago or so... Maybe a little more. That's probably the first time that's ever happened. I usually am up late the night before and the first night of school trying to finish the stupid books. ^^ Feels good to have them done.

Let's see... More about school. Like school shopping. I'm sure a lot of you have done that already this year. Yeah... I did too. Sort of. I have gotten one sweater and a shirt for band. That's it. I don't even have a new outfit to start the school year off with... And it makes me sad. But, apparently my Aunt is coming up here today. (I didn't know this... My Mom decided to tell me last night. How nice of her). That means that they might go shopping... Now, I don't think I'd be going with them... But my Mom might get me a new pair of pants. I can keep my hopes up, right?

But today I'm going 'out' with Sarah. We are going up to the Highschool around 1:00 so that I can show her around. She's never gone to NHS, and is switching, this year, from Mohanasen to NHS... Fun. I get to go there a day early. Just what I've always wanted. >.< But, we're leaving around 2:00... So, it shouldn't be too bad. Anyone who reads this can meet us up there. ^^Though I doubt anyone will for the simple fact that no one wants to be there earlier than need be. xD And that reminds me... I think that we should all meet outside by the rock thing tomorrow... Either that or by the library. Of course, there's no way to get this news to everyone without calling them. And I don't feel like calling them. XP

I think that's all for now... I'll go get one of my poems and put it up since you guys seem to so desperately want it... Maybe. And I also have to go take a shower. >_>;

0 in love...

Shannon @ 3:58:00 PM

Friday, September 03, 2004

Only 65 left!

'kay... So like. I haven't updated in like... 3 days? SUE ME!

Just kidding. -.- The only person who reads this is Katelyn, anyways... And I know she stills loves me. <3>
>_>; Maybe this time'll be better. I doubt it. >.<
And I think that blogger should have smilies. I really, really do. ::nod::
EDIT: WTF?!? Blogger just ate the middle of my post! God damn you! ::beats with a stick:: Gah. I don't feel like retyping it. -.-

0 in love...