Shannon @ 2:56:00 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Oh, oh, oh em eff geee!
I might be going to get my nails done tomorrow. :cute:
Ho'mygawd. xD
I'm so, so lame...
2 in love...
Shannon @ 1:44:00 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sometimes, the world, the people in it, and my own damn problems make me want to vomit.
Now is one of those times.
2 in love...
Shannon @ 10:09:00 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005

I have rediscovered the wonder that is Susan Wilson. xD
That girl is so sweet. And so nice. And she makes me want to hug something. ^^
2 in love...
Shannon @ 1:49:00 PM

No one loves me. :( I got no comments or anything... Hmph.
Anywho, if you failed to pick up on this: I am home. Yes, yes, and it feels good. The trip was alright... It was a little weird not having anyone else around (like Sarah), but I got through it. I got my own tent (me and my brother usually share one), and I got through all of my summer reading. Can you believe that nonsense? I had enough time to read two and a half books. CRAZY. Alright, whether you like it or not, or want to read it or not, I shall outline my week for you. It went as follows:
Sunday: We didn't leave until 3:30, when my Mom wanted to leave at 11. Well, whatever. So we get there about 4:30, yay? So, we have to set up camp. We aren't done until 7:30, and so we have spagehtti and meatballs in the dark. We sit around the fire for the rest of the night and I went to bed at I think like... 10.
Monday: I got up and had breakfast, and then I was forced to go to the beach (where I didn't really want to go, didn't want to swim), and I sat and read. I got through almost all of the second half of my first book. That night we went out to the village and went shopping. My Dad got some Tshirts, and I didn't get anything, but whatever. I also asked my Mom if I could get my nails done before school started. She said maybe. Anyone wanna go with me?
Tuesday: I had to get up early and eat, and then we went horseback riding. It was really fun, and I loved it. The rest of the day was spent at the beach reading (again), where I finished my first book. Back at the campsite, I had to start my second book, A Hearbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.
Wednesday: I spent the day at the campsite, once again reading my book. By the end of the day I had finished it, and not really enjoying it too much. The book was okay, and parts of it were kinda funny, but I didn't really like the style too much. I read through the drivers manual so that I can go take my written test soon-ish. We went to the Painted Pony Ranch Rodeo, which is a real championship rodeo. We watched bare-back bronco riding, cattle wrestling (tying), as well as cowGIRL events (barrel racing and cattle roping (not the same as cattle tying)). Oh, and there was also the traditional bull riding. Whoa, dude. One guy had the bull FALL ON HIM! o.o; Ho'shit.
Thursday: Once again, day spent at the beach, and I started my third and final book, Phantoms. Now THAT is a good book. I loved it. My Dad, my brother, and I all went and did Go-Karts. I didn't find it all that fun, as the cars were really jittery and the track as short and uneventful.
Friday: Spent the day at the beach, finished my book, and sat around the fire at night for the last time.
Saturday, today, of course, held nothing but breaking down camp. Not really all that fun.
I came home, took a shower and ate 'cause we didn't before we left.
I feel better, and it feels good to be home. Whee.
2 in love...
Shannon @ 12:55:00 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005

Uhm... Yeah. My Mom wanted to leave at 11:00. That was two hours ago.
We're so good at this.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 11:01:00 AM

Bakka. I think we're supposed to leave soon. Maybe?
I don't know.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 1:30:00 AM

Okay. So it's totally 1:30 AM right now, and I totally have NOT packed for camping.
How cool am I? Let me answer that for you: Very.
Right. So, I should probably go do that and then sleep. 'cause like... Yeah. We have to set up camp which is a bitch, and I don't want to be falling asleep doing it. That would suck majorly.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 9:32:00 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Uhm... Uhm... Uhm...
Okay. So... I'm leaving tomorrow for another camping trip. Whoo?
I can't say that I'm all too excited, as I'd almost much rather stay
home and do nothing, than be in the
woods and do nothing. I mean, I love camping and all, but... I've only got a little bit of time left before school starts again, and I wanna be home. Ugh.
My parents did say that they had some stuff planned, so I guess that maybe we're going horseback riding, to the rodeo, on the Minne Ha Ha... I don't know what else.
Blah. I should be doing laundry/dishes right now... But I just woke up and don't feel like it. Check back in a few hours... I still won't have done them. xD
0 in love...
Shannon @ 12:44:00 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
2 in love...
Shannon @ 2:29:00 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So, uhm, yeah.
Anyways. xD Today I got my SS card. So now I'm legit. Yeah, right. ::cough::
Chhhhaaaa. Hmm... Nothing much happened today. I spent four hours cleaning up the damn house so that I didn't have to hear my Dad scream and yell at me. Whoo.
Wonder how long it will stay that way. -.- If my brother has anything to do with it, only a matter of days, if not hours. ::sigh::
I'm going to go do something other than this. Maybe sleep since it is 2:30 in the AM and there isn't anyone to talk to.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 5:45:00 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005

"I know they work, I just don't want to use one. They give me the mental image of fucking a plastic bag. :gonk:"
xD And that is ALL I'm going to say for now.
2 in love...
Shannon @ 12:07:00 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005

I had a dream about Tina last night. I think. I can't really remember.
Bah. I need to stop this. It's getting the better of me, I think. "They" aren't going to come back any time soon, I don't think, so I have to get over this.
But it's so damn hard.
1 in love...
Shannon @ 2:35:00 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005

Know what I hate? I hate that just because I happen to be home when my Dad is, and downstairs, that I have to hear the damn lecture EVERY TIME about the dishes not being done.
Know what else I hate? That it's not my fault. I load the dishwasher and run it. I DO NOT UNLOAD THE GODDAMN THING! That's Jeremy's job. It's not MY fault if he doesn't. I tell him to do it, he ignores it. NOT MY FAULT.
Fucking Christ. I hate getting blamed for stuff. -.-
0 in love...
Shannon @ 12:35:00 PM

Sooo. I went shopping again yesterday. Yayyyy. I bought three mor pairs of a pants. And can you BELIEVE IT?!? I found a pair of pants that make me feel like I have an ass! Holy cow. =D It's great. I got a pair of jeans, a pair of cordoroys and a pair of like... Sand colored jeans. They're pretty. I also got two more shirts. Whooo. Hmm... We also got stuck at the Walmart an extra hour, causing my Mom to miss her dentist appointment because the car wouldn't start. Whoo. Yeah, that was fun.
We ate McDonalds, thouh, and we were talking about all the different types of food, and then what McDonald's in other countries were like. We talked about sushi in McDonalds (can you imagine that? EWWW! I would NOT eat that!)... And about McDonalds in Germany with their beer.
Anyways. I'm off to do something... Not sure what.
3 in love...
Shannon @ 12:33:00 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

So. I took that absurd little IQ test that everyone else was taking... And I got 113. Yeah. Yay. >>;
Bah. I got up like an hour ago (yes, it's 12:30 xP), and I have done nothing of significance, really. Read through blogs, went on Gaia... I dunno. Borning day, really. Tomorrow, apparently, I'm going to go to the dentist and stuff with my Mom and then she's going to drop me off at WalMart, go to the doctor's and then pick me up. I don't think she has -ever- been this nice about school clothes shopping. o.O Usually it's "No. That's too expensive" or "Here... Look at the clearance" (we aren't rich. So as I ask my self... What ARE we doing in NISKAYUNA?!? Hah. xD). Not this year. I picked up a 30 dollar pair of cordoroy pants at the last Walmart and said I liked them, then noticed the price tag and was about to put them back 'cuase I didn't think my Mom would want to spend 30 dollars on pants, but she told me to try them on. I was like "Whooooaaaaa". xD It was great. Anyways... Enough of that.
I'm off to eat my ramen. =D
7 in love...
Shannon @ 9:46:00 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

And now, I watch American Pie 2. xD Wo0t.
2 in love...
Shannon @ 1:06:00 PM
Here is a better, more complete picture of the one I showed you yesterday. I added some pictures... Looks better now. Yay! ^^
2 in love...
Shannon @ 10:37:00 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005

Okay. So, like... I watched two movies today that I have never seen before.
1.) A Clockwork Orange, courtesy of Ramon. He sent it to me as a file transfer over AIM. It took five tries and two hours to download the whole thing. xD Then, I had to download something else to get the video part to play. It was... Interesting. I liked it... It was different than a lot of the movies that I usually like, but it was good.
2.) American Pie, courtesy of the TV. xD I watched it... It was also interesting. And funny. And strangely arrousing. xD HAH! Sorry, TMI. Made me think a lot about my virginity. xD Oh well.
Over all, today was pretty good. Not too much happened, though.
3 in love...
Shannon @ 1:28:00 PM
2 in love...
Shannon @ 5:18:00 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ho'kay. So. This is how the trip started out: JUST as we were about to turn into the mall parkinglot, my Mom's car stopped. It just died. Fun? Oh yeah.
So, my Mom lets me go into the mall to get Natalie while she waits for my Dad to come and get her. Oh yay. So, I find Natalie at the pet store and she lets me hold this cute little dog. Awww.
And then, we go to Friendly's. Let me tell you... The food SUCKED. xD Natalie thought the "frunions" were curly fries. xD THERE WERE NO ONIONS IN THEM! xD Also, the mozerella sticks were hollow. HOLLOW. xD They had no cheese in them. The quesedillas weren't too bad... And the buffalo chicken strips were good... But they were cold. xD Oh, and my soda was warm. Yuck.
Oh, and the fun wasn't over there, folks. Oh no. Natalie couldn't find her money. So, we had 16 dollars to spend. Oh yeah. We got the bill and it was 18 dollars. xD Hah! So, Natalie asked if I wanted to run. xD I didn't, so I made her go ask her co-workers for money. She got our two bucks and we paid.
Then we went to Spencer's. And you know what I saw at Spencer's that made everything okay? The people working there were wearing Charlie and the Chocolate factory hats, and one of them had the white glasses. O______________O OMFG. I wanted them. o.o; So hot.
We also walked through the toy store (that's always fun. xD Especially with Natalie) and complained and laughed at the barbies and the Bratz dolls. Do you know that they make a scented barbie? Well, actually, it's a Ken doll, I think. But it was SCENTED! Why in God's name would you EVER want/need a SCENTED DOLL?!?! It smelled like coconut. It was rediculous.
We also went through FYE and The Body Shop where we made sexual jokes about the body butter. xD We also smelled all the pretty smelling things. :3
So, all in all, my little day out with Natlie was fun. xD
0 in love...
Shannon @ 1:47:00 PM

Hot date with Natalie today. Hell yes. =D
Lessee.. Friendly's. Should be fun. More of an update later. :3
0 in love...
Shannon @ 12:30:00 AM

As my new friend and I have determined:
Johnny Depp + Willy Wonka + Chocolate = Orgasm.
Yesyes. It does, it does.
And Ramon when he speaks in his JD/Willy Wonka voice = Orgasmic, too. I, of course, decided this on my own. xD
0 in love...
Shannon @ 7:20:00 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hmm. So. Today I have done a lot of nothing.
I did a lot of writing, however, for the story I'm supposed to be using for a contest on Gaia. I've got just over two pages written now. There isn't a limit or a restriction, which is cool. I still have quite a bit to write. It's not due until August 12th, so, yeah. Also, through this contest I have gotten a new friend. She loves a lot of the same things that I do (JD, HL, OB, LotR, long distance relationships, other random thigngs). She's so awesome. Luffles.
Anyways... I have to go keep writing my story. Yay.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 10:13:00 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005

So. Family trip to Walmart? Hell yes. See, my family is AWESOME like that. Yes. We are. You know it. Just admit it already!

Anywho. Bah. So... School clothes shopping wasn't so bad. xD My Mom put all the stuff on layaway until like September 1st when there is "no tax" week or something. So she pays less for it. Sneaky little devil she is. Lessee... I got a pair of brown pinstripe pants, two tanktops, a pair of purple pajama bottoms (though they look like real pants), a pair of actually PJ bottoms (with Tweety on 'em), and a few tshirts. My Mom is going to take me back, apparently, to get more clothes. Yay.

I also got a pair of shoes that I have been dying to get since I saw them a long time ago.

They are round toed wanna-be stilleto heels (thin-like, but not extremely so). I love them so much. I usually don't like shoes with closed toes, but I like these a lot.
I also got these smelly fragrance thingy for my room. Which also makes me immensely happy. It's a combination thingy which is called "Berries and Cream". So good. Hmm... What else. Oh! My Mom got the security called on her at Walmart. xD At least, we're pretty sure it was her. She was looking at underwear, and she had to open the package to check the size, and there was a lady there who I guess thought she was taking them. xD It's funny. Anyways... I also got undies. Yay. Pertiful ones. I was gonna get a pertiful bra, too (a colored one... Since I don't have one), but they didn't have my size. :( That's part of what I hate about shopping. And my body. I really don't think I'm that ugly as far as my face goes... I just HATE my stomach. Bakka. It's hard to find any nice clothes in my size. ::sigh::
Oh, yeah. We went out to eat (I haven't been out to eat with my parents in so long) at this Italian restaurant called Carraba's. OMFG. So good. They had this antipasti (appetizer) called "Bruchette". Holy. Freakin'. Crap. It was so good. They had really fresh bread, and I got a pasta dish called "Rigatoni Martino", which was good too.
I also had an amazing revelation tonight. I'm not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I mean, as far as my career. I was SO sure thhat I wanted to be a vet for so long... Now I'm not. It's sad, really, to "give up" on that dream, but... Damn. I mean, that's a lot of work. I know that any feild that I go into will be a lot of work no matter what... But my Mom said she thinks it's 10 years of college. TEN! I thought it was eight. Either way, I won't be out of college until I'm 26 or 28!

Good Lord. One of the other careers that I was considering quite heavily was being a chef. I love to cook, and I love food. I think it'd be AWESOME to start a catering business or something... I mean, I'd love to do that. I would, I would. And, no, I don't expect culinary school to really be that much easier than vet school... But... I dunno. I just don't know any more. I'm starting to feel like I'm not good enough for Cornell. I want to go to Cornell so bad, but I don't think I'd make it. It's way above my head, and I'm only being realistic here.
I was just reading Erin's blog and she's already talking about making choices for colleges, as far as having a list ready goes. I'm not sure I even have that.

I mean, if I were to go to vet school, I think I would have to do four years at one school, and then do four years or whatever at Cornell. I really don't know any more. If I decide to go into cooking (which, quite honestly, I am seriously considering as a career path), I have the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and Johnson and Wales (schools in a few different locations, like Virgina and Rhode Island, I think) as two possible options. I've seen what both schools have to offer, and I quite like them.
No, this wasn't a random occurance, either, really. My parents and I were talking about college while waiting for food and such at the restaurant. It's a scary thought.
Bah. Thinking about this is depressing.

Bakka. Anyways. I think I'm going to go shower and shave... Hah. Maybe then I'll do some work on RPs which I need to catch up on as well as this story I'm supposed to be writing. Whoo.
1 in love...
Shannon @ 4:37:00 PM
The Basics ------------ Gaia Screen Name: ShadyPrincess
Name: Shannon
Age: 16
Birthdate: 7/17/1989
Family: Four people
Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 bird
# of Nicknames: Five or so.
Sign: Cancer
Right now -----------What are you listening to? People on ventrilo
Who is around you? No one
What is on your mind (specifically)? Family trip to walmart in a few hours. xD
What do you see? Computer, my room
What are you doing (OTHER than this)? Uhm... Breathing. Yep. Always a good thing.
What are your short term plans? Finish highschool, I guess.
What are you long term plans? Marry the love of my life, have kids, be a vet
How long have you been awake? 7 hours or so
What are you wearing? Tank top, shorts
What are you eating? Well... I have gum in my mouth. Dunno if that counts.
Drinking? Nothing
Friends --------How many friends do you have? Plenty.
Are the majority male or female? Female
How many do you consider 'best' friends? Most of them
Who (if any) do you trust implicitly? Erin, Natalie, Kristen
Who are you closest to? Erin
Do you lie to friends? No.
Of your friends, who is/are:-Funniest: Natalie-
Sweetest: Katelyn-
Cutest: Katelyn-
Most Honest: Natalie-
Most Kind: Natalie-
Most Trustworthy: Erin-
Best Listener: Kristen-
Most Open-Minded: Most of them-
Most Secretive: Natalie and Erin-
The one(s) you'd like to know more: Kristen-
The one(s) you think you know TOO well: Erin-
Smartest: Erin-
Quirkiest: Linda
The Sexes ----------Do you think size matters to guys? Yes
To girls? Not as much
What Smells nice? Lots of things
What physical traits do you notice in the opposite sex? Eyes, height
What personality traits do you look for? An open mind, fun, caring.
What do you notice in the opposite sex first? Eyes
What don't you like to see in the opposite sex? Rudeness
What do you think the opposite sex notices/likes about your looks? Eyes.
Personality? I have a good sense of humor.
What don't they like? Not very pretty
Are men and women equal? In some respects
Who should take the initiative? Men or Women? Either, doesn't matter I think.
Do guys like girls to ask them out? I don't think it really matters.
Do girls like guys to ask them out? I would, yeah.
Why? Depends on the person.
What sex act, if any, is a taboo to you? Oh I dunno... It's allllll a matter of personal preferance, really. I guess I'm willing to try anything once. xD Whoo for TMI. xD
Straight, gay, or bi? Straight
Sweetest thing that can be done for you? Just being nice and sweet
Favorites ----------Favorite Girl's Name? Kiara
Favorite Boy's Name? Leo/Leon
Favorite of your nicknames? I dunno.
Favorite Song? As Lover's Go by Dashboard Confessionals
Color? Purple
Era (like 60's, 70's, etc.)? Dunno.
Medicine? Love.
Comic Character? Don't watch comics/read them...
Holiday? My birthday
Solo Musician? Michelle Branch
Band? Dunno...
Genre? Country
Animal? Cow
Pet? Cat/Snake
Fantasy? What?
Kind of sex? Uhm... The... Normal kind?
Bodypart of the opposite sex? Eyes, hands
Food? Chili
Quote? "Hah! You're really weird!"
Belief? Love can span miles.
Kind of movie? Psycological thirllers.
Emotion? Love
Relative? My cousin Brandon.
Action Movie? Dunno
School Movie? Ehm...?
Martial Arts Movie? Dunno.
Comedy? PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl
Drama? Uhmm...
Animated Movie? Mew...
Anime? Don't watch it...
Horror? The 13th Ghost
'Teen' Movie? o.O
Romance/romantic comedy? Chocolat
Yes or No ----------Are you honest? I try to be
Are you happy? Kinda
Do you have a crush? I guess so
You ever think about skydiving? Yes
Scuba diving? Yes
Bunjee Jumping? Yes
Have you ever done any of them? Only scuba diving. Sorta.
Been to a foreign country? Canada? Yay, Ca-nae-dee-uh!
Live more than 3 places? Yes
More than 6? No
12? No
If so, military? No
Do you like philosophy? Nah...
Have you or will you lie anywhere on this? No
Do you think you're attractive? Not really
Were you teased in Elementary School? Yes
High School? Yes.
Have you ever done drugs? No
Pot? No
Cocaine? No
Crack? No
Acid? No
E? No
Do you drink? No
Do you smoke (cigarettes)? Nope
Are you bias? Hope not. o.O
Did you dream last night? Yeah... Something weird about really hairy legs. We'll just stop there...
Do you have secrets from your parents? Yep.
Are you a good kisser? Never kissed anyone. Dunno.
Have you been in more than 5 relationships? Uhm... No.
Do you want to be loved? Of course. Isn't that the meaning of life?
Are you loved? By friends and family, sure.
By family? Yes
By friends? Yes
By others? I'd like to think so.
Do you trust easily? Yeah, I tend to trust people easily. However, if you lose that trust, you have to earn it back again. No freebies.
Do you lose trust easily? Yes
Do you want to be alone? Not all the time
Do you miss grade school? In some ways
Were you a bully? Not often.
Were you an outcast? Not an outcast. Simply "socially challenged". xD
Did you play sports? I like volleyball.
Do you now? For fun.
Do you diet? Not at the moment. Though I should. Bah.
Do you exercise? Bakka. xD
Do you suck (figuratively, ya sicko lol)? Depends on who you ask.
Are you a player? Er... No?
Are you the jealous type? I can get jealous, yeah.
The Past ---------What's your oldest memory? Oh GOD... Uhm... Going to my Grandma's camp when I was little.
What kind of child were you? A whiny brat. xD I don't know. I guess I was a happy kid. Yeah, that's it.
What was your first pet? Uhm... Tommy, my cat. He died.:(
What was your first school? I don't remember.
Who was your first teacher? Ooooooooooo God. Don't remember.
Did you parents (either of them) have a reglar nickname for you? Uhm... I don't think so. My Uncle used to call me "campbell's" 'cause he thought I looked like the little blonde girl.
What teacher had the greatest impact? Mrs. Millet-Wilson
What did you/do you hate about your youth? Bakka. Not meeting the people that I love today, whether they love me back, sooner (friends).
Where were you born? Ellis Hospital in Schenectady.
What was your first kiss like? Haven't had it yet.
What did you do when you were little that you'd prefer not known? Uhm... Eh?
Choices Choices ----------------Photography or Painting? Photography
Singing or Dancing? Singing
Beer or Wine? Neither.
Soda or Juice? Juice
Meat or Veggies? Meat
Tape or CD? CD
Summer or Winter? Summer
Spring or Fall? Spring
Life or Death? Life
Kindness or Insanity? Isn't kindness insanity in it's own right?
Company or Lonliness? Company
Up or Down? Up
Playing or Watching? Depends.
Give or Recieve? Give
Work or Spoil? What?
Love or Hate? Love
Love or Lust? Love
Short or Long Essay? Depends on the subject.
What do you want... In a partner? What kind of partner?
In a relationship? Romance
From life? To find the meaning behind it.
What's your worst memory? Losing people very close to me.
What's your best memory? Discovery Cove in Florida.
If you dieing had something to say about your life, what do you think it would be? It's been one hell of a ride, too bad it couldn't last longer.
If you could change anything in your past, what would it be? Bah. Some of the bad things I've done.
If you could have ANY power, what would it be? Why? Hmm... Fly, probably. I'm sure everyone can figure out why.
0 in love...
Shannon @ 2:10:00 PM

Alright. So. We got back from the SSA office and Schenectady like... and hour and a half ago. That was so much fun. ::insert sarcasm here:: I mean, my good God. I saw the pennicle of human achievement in downtown Schenectady today. Hell yeah I did. -.- Ugh. It is actually depressing. The city, I mean. I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat or something, but my God. It really makes you think about how little some people have.
o.o; Oye vey. Anyways... I got my birth certificate, which was fairly easy to obtain. Now I have documentation that I was actually born. Whoo.
We also went to the SSA office. Oh yes. How much fun was that. We sat for like a half hour until they called our names, filled out some paper work, and now we have to wait two weeks (or so they said) to get the card. Bakka. In those two weeks I must read up on my driving stuff. Yesyes. I have to read that silly little book...
Speaking of books, I also got my summer reading stuff. Oh joy of joys. I got
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers,
When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, and finally
The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to his White Mother by James McBride. I was going to get
My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid, but they didn't have it, and I didn't feel like ordering it, so I picked a different book. Whoo.
And, I got a new headset. Not just headphones, but the whole damn thing. I got the microphone with it, 'cause my Dad was like "Do you want the one with the microphone?" and I was all "Well... It'd make things easier." And he picked it up, and off we were. Whee.
I really ought to be reading right now. But of course, I'm not. Hah. Love how that works. Anyways. I'm off. Love and kisses. xD
0 in love...
Shannon @ 12:49:00 AM

Bakka. I've been saying that a lot. How strange.

Tomorrow (well, later today), apparently, I'm going to get my birth certificate, and put in an application for my SS card, which will take about a week, according to Frank. This is all, of course, so I can go and get my learners permit.

Sweet. Anywho. In addition, I also want to get a new pair of headphones tomorrow, so that -maybe- I can have a better time hearing on Ventrilo. That would rock.

Also, I need my books for school. Why? 'cause I'm a LOSER who forgot all about them until a week ago. And then, I forgot, again, to tell my parents I needed to get them. So, tomorrow I get the books. Yay. I have little fear, however, that I won't finish them. 'cause I have a whole freakin' week of camping to read. Exciting, I know.

Speaking of school... Let's not.

Anyways. I should get to sleep. Night night.

0 in love...
Shannon @ 1:58:00 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bakkabakka. Meep. Bored. Blahblahblah. My brother has Andy. Eww.
He annoys me. They both do. Yay.

And, my computer is a piece of crap. Yay.

0 in love...
Shannon @ 12:31:00 PM

Hmm. Alright. I made an avatar/icon thingy for my bloggeh, 'cause it's awesome. I'm not obsessed with my wallpaper or anything. No. Not at all.

I added a little clock thingy on the side-bar dealy. Enjoy that.

And, as you can see, I have downloaded a set of smiles.

This is because blogger does not have any smiles.

They should, damnit!
Anywho. I did get up at a halfway decent hour this morning. 10:30, to be exact.

Uhm... Hmm. What else, what else. We are going camping again in a few weeks. Funfun, yesyes.
And my cousin is getting on my nerves.

She keeps calling here. Stop it! Good God.
Anywho... I'm off to do something even LESS useful and even LESS productive than blogging. Whoo.

0 in love...